Ever since I discovered that my local supermarket has strawberries at 1.5 euro for 500g, I have been a regular customer ;) Of course they don't taste as good as the 'real' stuff in June, even though for a few years now I've had an impression that strawberries are just not what they used to be... Still, I love them and I have not only been eating a lot of them, but also juicing them a lot. The idea to combine beetroots and strawberries in a juice started as a purely esthetic consideration about the colour I would get out of this mix. Well, the colour is fantastic, red with a bit of purple shades, but what's more important, the juice tastes great. Especially if you like the taste of beetroots, of course ;) In fact the beetroots taste is not very strong, very much overwhelmed by the strawberries and the pineapple, but if you 'hate' beetroots (like my husband ;), it might still be too much. I love it.
1 pineapple, peeled and chopped into chute fitting pieces
500g of strawberries, washed
500g of packed, pre-cooked beetroots
half a lime, peeled
half a lime, peeled
Juice everything trying not to make too much beetroot juice mess ;)